~~~~~Artistes Autochtones du Québec vous invite à consulter les invitations et appels de soumission utiles à votre pratique artistique~~~~~ ~~~~~Quebec Native Artist invites you to consult it's blog for calls to submission and offers that concerns your artistic practice~~~~~

jeudi 12 janvier 2012

Banff Center's Aboriginal Arts - Deadline : January 16th, 2012

Application Reminder: Hi-Rez Storytelling

Indigenous Storytellers Invited to Apply

Program dates: February 27 – March 10, 2012
Application deadline: January 16, 2012

Scholarship and financial aid covering 100 per cent of the program fee is available.

Hi-Rez Storytelling is a program designed to support emerging to mid-career Aboriginal filmmakers and new media screen-based writers and producers. During the course of this unique two-week residency at The Banff Centre, participants will develop a project they bring with them to the program, write for multi-platform environments, and learn digital strategies that provide a continuum for contemporary storytelling forms.

Hi-Rez Storytelling will provide one-on-one mentorship and guidance with outstanding faculty and guest speakers. At the end of residency, participants will leave with a developed story, plans for production, and fundraising and/or pitching plans. Participants may be storytellers of any genre who want to explore how to tell and visualize their story, and who wish to explore an Indigenous esthetic in storytelling and interactivity.


Self-directed Residencies for Aboriginal Artists

Achieve your artistic vision. The Banff Centre offers self-directed residencies for Aboriginal artists, enabling the time and space for focused work and providing the freedom to conceptualize, create, research, or complete a project.

Aboriginal Arts self-directed residencies are open to writers, composers, singer-songwriters, dancers, choreographers, screenwriters, and playwrights. Residencies can be of any duration and artists can apply to come any time.

For more information about Hi-Rez Storytelling and Aboriginal Arts Self-Directed Residencies, please contact:

Kathy Morrison, Program Manager
Aboriginal Arts
The Banff Centre
Box 1020, Station 21
Banff, AB T1L 1H5
Tel: 403.763.6710