~~~~~Artistes Autochtones du Québec vous invite à consulter les invitations et appels de soumission utiles à votre pratique artistique~~~~~ ~~~~~Quebec Native Artist invites you to consult it's blog for calls to submission and offers that concerns your artistic practice~~~~~

lundi 2 avril 2012

KANATA Journal Launch Celebration & Fundraiser for NFCM/ITYC - 11 April 2012

On Wednesday, April 11th from 6pm to 8pm KANATA is hosting its Volume 5 Journal Launch Celebration!

KANATA encourages you to come and show your support for our community and journal! Our journal launch serves to distribute and celebrate the publication but also to showcase other forms of knowledge transmission that could not be included in the pages of the academic journal. This includes storytelling, poetry readings, exhibiting artwork, musical performances and more. We thank and recognize contributors of the journal and we provide snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments. If you know anyone who would be interested in showcasing some form of art at our journal launch, please encourage them to contact KANATA at mcgillnativestudiesjournal@gmail.com.

This year’s journal launch is also unique in that it will also be a fundraiser for the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal and the Inter-tribal Youth Centre. The Inter-tribal Youth Centre just recently was forced to close due to a funding dispute. The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal is also threatened to close due to a lack of funding. Raffles and other fundraising activities will take place to support these integral centres for the urban indigenous community of Montreal. 

More information can be found here: http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2012/03/23/native-friendship-centre-of-montreal-could-close-its-doors/ and here: http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2012/03/28/a-montreal-friendship-centre-serving-aboriginal-youth-to-close-doors/.

For more information about the launch, please contact KANATA at mcgillnativestudiesjournal@gmail.com.