(English to follow)
Offrandes - Offerings
France Trépanier
Résidence du 5 au 20 juin 2012
Installation 20 juin au 12 août 2012
Offrandes - Offerings est la première phase d’un projet plus large initié par le Centre d’art Vaste et Vague. Ce projet intitulé Mawita’jig – Art et vision autochtones vise un rapprochement entre les communautés autochtones et l’ensemble des municipalités de la MRC d'Avignon à partir de la production et la diffusion d’œuvres contemporaines interdisciplinaires issues d’une collaboration entre des artistes autochtones en art actuel et des membres des deux réserves autochtones gaspésiennes, collaboration qui profitera du savoir-faire et connaissances traditionnels mi'kmaqs (construction de structures architecturales, danse, rituel, conte et autres).
Offrandes - Offerings est une œuvre collaborative qui propose une réflexion sur la valeur et le sens des offrandes. Intégrant des éléments contemporains et traditionnels, elle trouve assise dans le prolongement d’une tradition autochtone de circulation du savoir.
Dans plusieurs cultures autochtones l’offrande constitue un geste chargé de sens sur le plan spirituel, social et politique. On offre un repas, un festin aux membres de sa communauté ou aux visiteurs. On offre des histoires. On offre des chansons aux plantes et aux animaux qui nous nourrissent. On offre du tabac aux aînés, aux esprits.
L’offrande fut au cœur des échanges au moment du contact avec les Européens. On a offert refuge. On a offert la connaissance du territoire. On a offert les plantes médicinales pour guérir les nouveaux arrivants. On a offert la terre en partage par le biais d’ententes et de traités.
L’offrande est également présente dans plusieurs autres cultures. Elle s’inscrit dans une logique de dons désintéressés et intemporels puisqu’elle n’implique aucune contrepartie apparente. Elle peut prendre la forme d’échanges rituels ou d’échanges intercommunautaires.
Offrandes - Offerings offre une occasion innovatrice aux artistes et aux membres de la communauté de collaborer et de créer une œuvre en évolution constance. L’œuvre est composée de trois éléments intégrés : un site web, une installation en galerie et une série de rituels d’offrandes performatifs.
Offrandes - Offerings
France Trépanier
Residency june 5 to june 20, 2012
Installation june 20 to august 12, 2012
OFFERINGS – OFFRANDES is the first project ofMAWITA'JIG - ABORIGINAL VISION AND ART, an initiative recently launched by Artist run centre Vaste et Vague to bring closer together Aboriginal communities and the population of the Avignon municipalities in Gaspesie. It is done by producing and presenting interdisciplinary contemporary artworks created through the collaboration between Aboriginal contemporary artists and members of the Listuguj and Gespapegiag Mi’kmaq reservations. This initiative will benefit from traditional Mi’kmaq knowledge and know-how (construction of architectural structures, dance, ceremonies, storytelling, etc.)
OFFERINGS - OFFRANDES is a collaborative artwork that proposes a reflection on the meaning of offerings. Integrating contemporary and traditional aspects, the piece is developed following Indigenous traditions that are based on circulation of knowledge.
In many Aboriginal cultures, offerings are gestures filled with spiritual, social and political meaning. We offer a meal, a feast to the members of the community or to visitors. We offer stories. We offer songs to the plants we harvest and to animals that feed us. We offer tobacco to elders, to spirits.
Offerings were at the heart of the exchanges that took place at the time of contact with Europeans. We offered refuge. We offered knowledge of the territory. We offered medicine to cure the new comers. We offered to share the land through agreements and treaties.
Rituals of offering are also present in many different cultures. Offerings are based in the logic of giving without a time frame and self-interest. This artwork proposes a collective investigation on this human gesture; it’s meaning and impact.
OFFERINGS - OFFRANDES offers an innovative opportunity for artists and community members to collaborate and create a unique artwork that is continually evolving. It is composed of three integrated elements: a web site, an installation and a series of performative rituals of offerings.
France Trépanier
Residency june 5 to june 20, 2012
Installation june 20 to august 12, 2012
OFFERINGS – OFFRANDES is the first project ofMAWITA'JIG - ABORIGINAL VISION AND ART, an initiative recently launched by Artist run centre Vaste et Vague to bring closer together Aboriginal communities and the population of the Avignon municipalities in Gaspesie. It is done by producing and presenting interdisciplinary contemporary artworks created through the collaboration between Aboriginal contemporary artists and members of the Listuguj and Gespapegiag Mi’kmaq reservations. This initiative will benefit from traditional Mi’kmaq knowledge and know-how (construction of architectural structures, dance, ceremonies, storytelling, etc.)
OFFERINGS - OFFRANDES is a collaborative artwork that proposes a reflection on the meaning of offerings. Integrating contemporary and traditional aspects, the piece is developed following Indigenous traditions that are based on circulation of knowledge.
In many Aboriginal cultures, offerings are gestures filled with spiritual, social and political meaning. We offer a meal, a feast to the members of the community or to visitors. We offer stories. We offer songs to the plants we harvest and to animals that feed us. We offer tobacco to elders, to spirits.
Offerings were at the heart of the exchanges that took place at the time of contact with Europeans. We offered refuge. We offered knowledge of the territory. We offered medicine to cure the new comers. We offered to share the land through agreements and treaties.
Rituals of offering are also present in many different cultures. Offerings are based in the logic of giving without a time frame and self-interest. This artwork proposes a collective investigation on this human gesture; it’s meaning and impact.
OFFERINGS - OFFRANDES offers an innovative opportunity for artists and community members to collaborate and create a unique artwork that is continually evolving. It is composed of three integrated elements: a web site, an installation and a series of performative rituals of offerings.